الاثنين، 30 أبريل 2018

V8 JavaScript Engine: Optimizing hash tables: hiding the hash code

V8 JavaScript Engine: Optimizing hash tables: hiding the hash code: ECMAScript 2015 introduced several new data structures such as Map, Set, WeakSet, and WeakMap, all of which use hash tables under the hood. ...

V8 JavaScript Engine: V8 release v6.5

V8 JavaScript Engine: V8 release v6.5: Every six weeks, we create a new branch of V8 as part of our release process . Each version is branched from V8’s Git master immediately bef...

V8 JavaScript Engine: Lazy deserialization

V8 JavaScript Engine: Lazy deserialization: TL;DR: Lazy deserialization was recently enabled by default in V8 version 6.4 , reducing V8’s memory consumption by over 500 KB per browser ...

V8 JavaScript Engine: Tracing from JS to the DOM and back again

V8 JavaScript Engine: Tracing from JS to the DOM and back again: Summary Debugging memory leaks in Chrome 66 just became much easier. Chrome’s DevTools can now trace and snapshot C++ DOM objects and displ...

V8 JavaScript Engine: Background compilation

V8 JavaScript Engine: Background compilation: TL;DR: Starting with Chrome 66, V8 compiles JavaScript source code on a background thread, reducing the amount of time spent compiling on th...

V8 JavaScript Engine: V8 release v6.6

V8 JavaScript Engine: V8 release v6.6: Every six weeks, we create a new branch of V8 as part of our release process . Each version is branched from V8’s Git master immediately bef...

V8 JavaScript Engine: Improved code caching

V8 JavaScript Engine: Improved code caching: V8 uses code caching to cache the generated code for frequently-used scripts. Starting with Chrome 66, we are caching more code by generati...